👉🏻Why You Shouldn't Go Too Hard on Your First Strength Training Session After a Long Break.
When you've been away from the gym for a while, it's tempting to jump back in full throttle to make up for lost time. However, this approach can be counterproductive and even dangerous. Here are some reasons why you should take it easy:
Risk of Injury: Your muscles, tendons, and ligaments may have lost some of their strength and flexibility. Pushing too hard too soon increases the risk of strains, sprains, and other injuries.
Muscle Soreness: Intense workouts can lead to Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), making it difficult to continue exercising in the days that follow.
Mental Burnout: Overexerting yourself can lead to mental fatigue and burnout, making it harder to stay motivated for future workouts.
Proper Technique: Focusing on proper form and technique is crucial, especially after a break. Going too hard can compromise your form, increasing the risk of injury.
Gradual Progress: Building strength and endurance takes time. Gradual progress is more sustainable and effective than trying to achieve too much too quickly.
Recovery Time: Your body needs time to recover and adapt to the new demands you're placing on it. Going too hard can prolong recovery time and delay your overall progress.
Consistency Over Intensity: Consistency is key in strength training. It's better to have regular, moderate workouts than sporadic, intense sessions.
Listening to Your Body: Your body will give you signals about what it can handle. Pushing too hard can drown out these important cues.
Setting Realistic Goals: Starting slow allows you to set realistic and achievable goals, which can boost your confidence and motivation.
Enjoyment: Taking it easy at first can make the process more enjoyable, ensuring you look forward to your workouts rather than dreading them.
👉🏻Remember, fitness is a marathon, not a sprint. Taking a measured approach will help you achieve your goals more effectively and safely.
Coach (Gan canny) Becks